Many people have a bad experience when dating transexual partners. Because of this, most of them think that transgender dating was a bad idea to begin with. They are not necessarily right though. Just because dating transexual partners didn’t work out for you the first time you tried it doesn’t mean that it was a bad idea to begin with. In dating transexual partners, there are things that you should consider doing and not doing. People who have had bad experiences possibly failed to see this and not knowingly did the wrong things.
Most of the common mistakes that men do involve saying the wrong things even if they have good intentions. To help those who were not lucky enough to get things right the first time they tried dating transexual partners, here are some of the things that everyone should avoid doing:
Don’t say that they really look like a woman – most men that end up saying this only intend to compliment their date. However, even if their intentions are good, it still came across as an insult for their transexual date. If you want to compliment your date, avoid acting like you are surprised that they indeed look like a woman. This will only give them the impression that you are expecting to date a man wearing a dress. This, of course, will not be a good impression for them.
Do not ask her what her real name is – you might get curious about what her real name is but by all means avoid asking her this. This is because this may remind them of some unpleasant times in their lives. Times that they would rather forget. Asking them this will only make her feel uncomfortable.
Do not ask her for a picture of when she was still a “he” – this is the same as the one I have mentioned above only much worse. If you ask her for a picture of when she was still a boy, it will give her the impression that you are amused by the fact of why she looks like that in the present. If you are just curious, try to keep your curiosity to yourself because right now is probably not the best time. Wait until she shows these pictures to you herself. Do not force her into doing this as you will only push her farther away from you by doing so.
Do not treat her as one of your guy friends – even if she is really a “he” to begin with, you shouldn’t treat her as such. Remember that she wants to feel like a real woman. It won’t help if you treat her like one of your guy friends. It also wouldn’t be a good idea to leave her alone while you approach another girl. Treat your transexual date like you would a real woman.
Do not ask about gender topics in public – if you have questions about this issue, make sure that you ask her in a private place. Broadcasting that you are dating a transexual will only make you look like a complete jerk.
The key to successfully dating transexual partners is to treat them as a normal person. Make them feel that you appreciate them for what they are and you’ll surely win their hearts.